Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What is love

  In this world the only thing that all humans will achieve is love. Of course theres other things like eating and taking a dump that we will all achieve but you know what i'm talking about. Well back to what i was saying, love is something we all have but the sad thing is that not everyone appreciates it. Some people see it as a weakness and some see it as life, for me it's both. It's a weakness because when you love someone you will give in to your pride and do as they wish, It's life because it balances out the world. Because of human nature we need to fight and start wars for whatever reason, love is what prevents us from disappearing from this wonderful place called earth. If we lived without love and someone close for example a family member was hurt or killed there will be no justice because love is not there to make you feel the need to justify. When that happens over and over for a long period of time then all the wrong doing people will have power and when that happens we are basically all dead. After all the good doers are gone then the bad will go after each other then bye bye human race. like i said love keeps the human race in balance. On the other hand if there was only love and no hate, we will still disappear from this planet due to lack of food or space to live.

  Now lets talk about love in a relationship between a man and a woman. In this case it's a little more complex lol , everyone in a relationship should know what i mean. First of all what does love mean to you? For me this is what it means. L = LUST: Wanting someone in a sexual way, because when you think about the first thing that attracts you is the looks. O = Obsession: When you can stop thinking about that person. V = Vows: When you make promises to stay together forever. Then for E there are two ways it can go, E = Everlasting or Ending, which basically means till death do us part or F*** YOU!!! im gone. Well thats what i think love means, How about you?

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